坂本龙一。影片又名坂本龙一|杰作 / 坂本龙一|Opus / Opus,剧情是: 作为坂本龙一献给世界最后的礼物,影片记录了坂本龙一生前最后一场钢琴独奏音乐会,其中包括《圣诞快乐,劳伦斯先生》《末代皇帝》《水》等在内的二十首经典曲目。今天是7月4号,给它们看一场烟花表演。—————独立日:卷土重来
Dr. Catherie Marceaux: Weve foud somethig out here, somethig oly you might uderstad.Dr. Catherie Marceaux:我们找到了某种东西,某种只有你才能了解的东西。—————独立日:卷土重来
Patricia Whitmore: Why are they screamig?帕翠霞·惠特莫:它们为什么在尖叫?Dr. Brakish Oku: Theyre ot screamig. Theyre celebratig.Dr. Brakish Oku:它们不是在尖叫。它们是在欢庆。—————独立日:卷土重来
David Leviso: Ive had years to get us ready. We ever had a chace.大卫·莱文森:我们已经用了几年的时间去准备,但从没有过一次机会。Presidet Whitmore: We didt last time, either.惠特莫尔总统:上一次我们也是这样。—————独立日:卷土重来
Jake Morriso: Goig crazy up here, I cat take it aymore.杰克·莫里森:我在这上面快要疯了,我受不了了。—————独立日:卷土重来
Jake Morriso: Tell me how much you miss me.杰克·莫里森:告诉我你有多想我。Patricia Whitmore: You kwo how much I miss you.帕翠霞·惠特莫:你知道我有多想你的。—————独立日:卷土重来
Jake Morriso: I cat believe its bee 20 years.杰克·莫里森:我真不敢相信已经二十年了。—————独立日:卷土重来
Jake Morriso: Still goa take your father to the aiversary?杰克·莫里森:你还是要带你父亲去纪念日吗?Patricia Whitmore: We weret bee here if wast for here.帕翠霞·惠特莫:要不是他,我今天就不会活着站在这了。—————独立日:卷土重来
Presidet Laford: O this day i 1996.The world escaped the clutches of extictio.兰福德总统:一九九六年的今天,世界逃过了一场灭顶之灾。—————独立日:卷土重来
David Leviso: Your father was the bravest ma Ive ever see.大卫·莱文森:你父亲是我见过的人里最勇敢的。—————独立日:卷土重来
Presidet Whitmore: We all lost someoe we love.惠特莫尔总统:我们都失去过所爱之人。—————独立日:卷土重来
David Leviso: oh my god. How did they get the lights o?大卫·勒维森:我的天,他们是怎么令它恢复运作的?Dyla Hiller: We didt. Its happeed o its ow...two days ago.迪兰·希勒:不是我们,是它自己亮起来的……就在两天以前。—————独立日:卷土重来
Dyla Hiller:20 years ago, whe we destoryed the mother ship, we detected a burst ad X pam frequecy. Directed toward deep space.迪兰·希勒:二十年前,我们摧毁母舰时,检测到了一次X频短波的爆发直指宇宙深处。—————独立日:卷土重来
Dr. Catherie Marceaux: Looks like someoe picked up the phoe ad aswered.凯西瑞恩·马瑟奥斯:看来有人接了电话并且做出了回应。Dyla Hiller: A distress call.迪兰·希勒:这是个遇难信号。—————独立日:卷土重来
David Leviso: They are comig back. Ad its defiitely bigger tha the last oe.大卫·莱文森:他们回来了,而且这玩意儿绝对比上次那个更大。—————独立日:卷土重来
David Leviso: It has its ow gravity. What goes up must come dow.大卫·莱文森:它有自己的重力场,上去的一定会掉下来。—————独立日:卷土重来
Jake Morriso: Shouldt we be ervous?杰克·莫里森:我们不是应该紧张吗?David Leviso: Erm...yeah.大卫·莱文森:呃,是的。—————独立日:卷土重来
Officer Rya Collis: We could use our isolatio chamber that cotais their telepathy.瑞恩·柯林斯:我们可以用我们的隔离室来阻断他们的心灵交流。—————独立日:卷土重来