。影片又名,剧情是: 阿曼达会不惜一切代价阻止她的儿子杰克逊嫁给奥利维亚,她认为奥利维亚是为了他的钱。Dr Matsutai: They call them "smart phoes", but oly dummies use them i my class.松谷博士:人们叫它们“智能电话”,但只有傻瓜在我的课上用它。—————拉瑞·克劳
Dr Matsutai: This is college, Mr.Crowe. There are oly two thigs you cat do, smoke i the buildig ad use your phoe i my class.松谷博士:克劳先生,这里可是大学,只有两件事情不能做:在教学楼内抽烟和在课堂上用手机。—————拉瑞·克劳
Fraces: Whe a ma shows his true colors, thats whe a woma has to make the decisio to go or o go.弗朗西斯:当一个男人露出本来面目的时候,女人就是时候决定是走还是留了。—————拉瑞·克劳